
Become a member and YOU can join the conversation!

The members of IAEAPE generally feel that the Listserv is perhaps the single most valuable benefit of being a member of this organization. And so, we'd like to tell you a little about it.


  • A Listserv, or list server, is an email discussion group. It allows members of our organization to communicate with the entire organization all at once. Any user that sends an email to the list server has it immediately sent to all of the other members of the organization. It is easy to use, and is perhaps the most valuable and popular feature of IAEAPE.

  • The Listserv is really the single most important aspect of the organization.  Using it, members are able to communicate with other Employee Assistance professionals all over the country.  This communication is invaluable for members for many reasons:

    • Members are able to share resources with the rest of the organization. Often we find ourselves needing additional resources to assist our clients better. The Listserv gives us access to a whole host resources, utilizing the experience and wisdom of other professionals all over the country, and even the world.

    • Questions about procedures and protocols can be actively discussed. As we work with our institutions, we may find ourselves exploring new ways to achieve the necessary goals for our program. Other members may have already dealt with similar questions or concerns, and they are always happy to help generate new ideas or share their own experience.

    • Dilemmas requiring professional and/or clinical advice yield a wealth of suggestions from seasons professionals. Very often, questions posed on the Listserv directly impact our work with those we serve. While members do not share any confidential or personal information on the listserv at any time, there is often important discussion that occurs as members explore and share information about how we do the important work that we do.

    • Workshops and corresponding materials (Powerpoint slides, forms, outlines) are frequently shared.

    • Responses gathered may help a member provide valuable information to his or her administration.

    • Job openings are posted.

    The general consensus is that the listserv is the most valuable benefit of being a member of this association.

Sample Comments from the Listserv

Here are a few recent questions or comments posted to this Listserv:

  • "What is the general expectation of how many clients a staff person should see on a weekly basis? How many clients for the Director? We have a new VP of HR asking these questions. Once again your input is appreciated."

  • "This question is for those of you who work at institutions with teaching hospitals. Would you please send me a copy of your Drug-Free Workplace Policy? Also, after an employee tests positive, what role does your EAP play in the return-to-work plan and subsequent monitoring?"

  • "I’m assuming that most of you have staff and faculty who work at other sites in the US as well as outside the US.... The question is how do you provide services to these individuals?"

  • "My question today is if any of you have done any workshop with the Athletics department, regarding the professional/ethical relationship that should exist between coaches and athletes?"


What to know more about the Listserv? Want to join in on the conversation? Or, maybe you have a question you'd like to ask.