Interested in
Becoming a Member?

If you are on this page, you are thinking about how to become an IAEAPE member. We are delighted you are here! There are many benefits to becoming part of our association. 

This section not only lists some of those benefits, but it also provides details in how to apply, what the annual dues are, and connections to many of the web pages of member EAPs and FSAPs. Click on the link below to submit your membership application If you have questions, reach out to Tom Waldecker, IAEAPE Membership, Co-chair.

Member Benefits

Annual Conference

Every year, we get together for three days of education, networking, and great fun. We invite noted speakers on workplace issues, and we always enjoy collegial camaraderie through our own members' presentations of their work. Humor, play, and fun are also prevalent.


Opportunities to share ideas, programming, and concerns have become an invaluable part of our membership.

Collegial Friendships

The organization provides a forum to make meaningful professional connections with others who share similar work, interests, challenges, and stressors.

The ListServ

This is the core of the organization, the most important, most valued benefit we offer. For more information about the ListServ, click here.


According to the Bylaws (Section five: Membership Dues), dues for membership in the Association shall be reviewed and determined at each Annual General Meeting. Dues are payable on the first of the year and cover from January 1st through December 31st.  For a new member who joins at the time of the Annual Conference, the conference registration fee includes membership until the end of that year. Dues for a person who joins after October 1st in any year is set at half the yearly rate. Currently, the dues are set as follows:

  • The following individuals are eligible for membership:

    • Employee assistance professionals who provide service to educational institutions

    • Representatives of educational institutions with employee assistance programs

    • Individuals in the process of developing employee assistance programs in or for educational institutions

    Membership requires payment of the annual dues as determined at the Annual General Meeting. Membership confers full voting privileges in the Association as well as the privilege of listserv participation.

  • When an institution has more than one individual who satisfies the criteria for Member, all but the first Member will pay dues at a reduced rate. The Additional Member rate is the Member rate discounted by 30%. Except for the rate difference, Additional Members are entitled to all the benefits of Membership.

  • An individual who has left the EAP field in good standing and wishes to continue his or her membership in IAEAPE is eligible to be a Member Emeritus. He or she will be granted full membership at a 30% discount from the dues set for regular Members.

  • A student who has a placement in an EAP with a current Member is eligible for Student Membership. She or he will be granted full membership at a thirty percent discount from the dues set for regular Members.

How To Apply

Please complete our membership application by clicking the button below. If you have questions contact Tom Waldecker, IAEAPE Membership Co-chair. You can pay fees by Check or Paypal after your membership application has been approved.

PAy by cheCK

Pay by Paypal

Our Treasurer's contact information:

c/o Justin Henderson, Treasurer Sr. EAP Specialist Workforce Health & Wellness MD Anderson Cancer Center

7007 Bertner Avenue
1MC2.2430, Unit 1610
Houston, TX 77030


Membership Fees
Name of Member(s) Covered: